Dear Parents and Carers,
This week the year 6 children have been doing their end of Key Stage assessments (SATs) this week. It has been a full-on week for the children, but I have been so impressed with how they have all taken them in their stride and remained incredibly positive – well done Year 6. A huge thank you to all the adults who have supported helping them go as smoothly as possible. And to the rest of the school who have also been brilliant being extra quiet and on certain days waiting until the test is over to have break time.
The year team are all very proud of the manner in which the children approached the assessments this week. They showed a lot of resilience and positivity, and a morning of fun and relaxation in Mayow Park today celebrating, was well deserved. Well done Year 6, you should be proud of yourselves.
Today we had Kate’s Class Assembly. They retold the story of Lila and the Secret of Rain, a story set in Kenya. As well as acting out and retelling the story, the children performed some call and response poems, a dance and sang their hearts out. It was also lovely to hear the children share the things they are grateful for. We are very proud of the children for all the hard work they put into their assembly. Well done Kate’s class.

The Year 3 classes visited the Kagyu Samye Dzong London Buddhist Centre in Bermondsey this week. The children were reminded of the story of how Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha and learnt about the essence of the Buddhist teachings. We also had a short, guided meditation session and were able to look around the incredible shrine room and ask any questions. It was a really interesting trip learning lots about Buddhism.

Tully has now met all the children from reception through to year 6. She was perfectly behaved and worked around the excitement shown by some of our younger children. She loved showing off all the training she has been doing - she now has a vocabulary of many useful commands. Some children are now seeing Tully regularly, as well as all children from year 1 up seeing her on the gate each week.
Gardening Day: Thank you to those that came for Eva’s gardening day last weekend. It went well, with the start of the planting for The Living Boundaries Project.
Children helped to plant Rowan trees in pots as well as planting by the fence. There will be other gardening days over the coming months.
All are welcome. It's a great way to see the school gardens and to help improve the children's environment.

Sickness bug: We have had a lot of sickness and diarrhoea cases this week. If your child contracts the bug, please do not send them to school for 48 hours after the last episode. This way we can contain the bug and stop its spread.
Next week is the final week of this half-term; it has been a very term, full of exciting trips and lots of hard work. We finish at 'normal' time next Friday.
Have a lovely weekend and I hope that the weather is kind for us.