Dear Parents and Carers,
This week’s senior leader assembly was led by Martha and was in celebration of International Women in Engineering Day, which took place on the 23rd June. In the assembly, the importance of engineering was discussed with a focus on four contemporary female engineers. Highlighting the role of science and maths, alongside problem solving and creativity, we looked at the opportunities for all in engineering careers and the need to increase the proportion of women in the profession. Martha then finished the assembly with an extract from the book ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’ by Andrea Beaty.
We had our final class assembly from Year 2 Shona’s class, and what a finale this was! I was blown away with the enthusiasm and collaboration the children showed, they were clearly enjoying themselves. The main message of the assembly was a really important one; they shared elements of what they had been learning about the rainforest and what we can do in order to protect it. Well done everyone, it was a wonderful celebration of the learning that has taken place.
This week:
On Wednesday, Year 5 had a visit from the Explorer Dome. This workshop supported their space topic learning. The children built on their learning about our solar system and beyond. They were taken into a world of planets, nebulas, constellations and black holes and explored their curiosity with lots of amazing questions (below), here are some photos.
"Is there an upside down in space?"
"What would happen if a black hole and white hole collided?"
Year 3 Maria’s class visited the Dulwich Picture Gallery today. The children took part in an artist-led workshop looking at a small, themed selection of paintings from the collection to initiate enquiry-based dialogue. Then they experimented with a variety of materials, processes and skills to create a self-portrait with a twist considering the theme of identity. Jo & Elis’ class are going next week. Here are some photos.
Today, year 2 visited Maha Lakshmi Vidya Bhavan in One Tree Hill as part of their learning about Hinduism. The guru, spoke to the children about the importance of kindness, animals and nature to the Hindu faith. He highlighted the significance of the Hindu Deities and shared some Hindu words. Following the visit children to some time to eat lunch in One Tree Hill park. The children enjoyed the trip:
“I liked learning the names of the different gods”
“I liked the flowery smell I the temple.”
“I enjoyed bowing to the gods”
On Wednesday, Rebecca and Kate G took the main cast of The Lion King to visit the stage at The Broadway Theatre in advance of the much-anticipated performances. They were taken to stand on the stage and look around back stage, including the dressing rooms. To say the children were excited would be an understatement. Do have a look up at the building where the posters are on show to see if you can spot ours!
We are always looking at ways we can safeguard our children and support families too. Please have a look at some information we have been sent from Parent Shield read more here, there is more information in the wellbeing news box below.
As we near the end of the year we naturally have some staff who are moving on for a variety of reasons; seeking to broaden their experience at a different school; going travelling/working abroad, trying a new profession and one member of staff deciding it is time after a long and fruitful career to retire. We will be saying goodbye to:
- Nora who has been teaching in year 6
- Jo C who has been teaching in year 6
- Ayo who has been teaching in year 5
- Jo B who has been teaching in year 1
- Simone who has been job sharing in year 3 with Maria
- Sarah N who upon her return from maternity leave, has been working in Conor and Nora’s class, as well as covering in other classes
- Sam who has been teaching Music in the Upper Phase
- Shula who covers across the school
- Nasrine who has been teaching French across the school
- Patricia who has been TA in year 1
We will be welcoming 7 new teachers:
- Crystal who will be teaching in year 3
- Penny who will be teaching in year 6
- Isla who will be teaching in year 1
- Eleni who will be teaching Music in Year 3-6
- Rachel who will be teaching in year 5
- Hannah who will be teaching in year 4
- Laura who will be teaching French from January
Wrap/Holiday Clubs & Enrichment Clubs Some of you may be aware that Louisa is off at the moment and as such you may not have had a response to your emails. As we are unsure of Louisa’s return date, Benita our School Business Manager (SBM) will be managing as an interim Wrap/playscheme and Enrichment Clubs. She is going through all emails sent to Wrap@ & Enrichment@ and any that relate to holiday clubs she will endeavour to answer first. Benita is currently working on a new schedule for the autumn term and would like to make all parents aware that further to the additional feedback received following the Summer Club release, we will be upgrading our MIS system over the summer, which should support a much fairer system and address concerns raised. More details will be released over the coming weeks.
The school office: Can I also draw your attention to the fact that the office is again, down one member of staff, which is having a huge impact on managing the daily workload along with addressing parental queries. Please be assured that temporary solutions are being investigated in the hope of alleviating some of the pressure points currently being experienced by the office team and frustrations felt by the parent community. Can we please ask parents and carers to use the website as a first point of contact.
Our Kilmorie T-shirt shop is now open! Well done to the winners and runners up, and to all the children who took part - what an incredible range of designs, it was tough job judging them. Original artwork is now back in the office and needs to be collected before the end of term. Thank you to Nadine for leading on this.
Do please have a look at all our Dreamland t-shirt designs by the children and order yours online SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEKEND ONLY! FREE POSTAGE ON T-SHIRTS & TOTE BAGS. I also hear there is also a special edition T-shirt 🦁 *All profits go to the school*.
Competition winners were judged by Julie and SLT
- Early Years: Winner - Mabel year 1. Runners up - Sid year 1, Sophie year 1
- Lower Phase: Winner - Lucky year 2. Runner up - Sienna year 3, Ida year 2
- Upper Phase: Winner - Lexi year 5. Runners up - Emily year 6, Eidan year 4
For those of you who have been into school this week, you will have noticed that the Friends of Kilmorie creative team, led by Lauren & Rina (thank you) have started work transforming the main reception area into a Dreamland. Don’t forget it is not too late to offer a helping hand...please see Friends news box below.
Next week – please remember strike days on 5th & 7th July, I look forward to seeing you at our parents open evening on Thursday (6th), school will be open between 4-6pm - don’t forget to bring your coins to purchase an item your child has made during the Great Kilmorie Design Challenge. Most items will be £1, no change will be available so please bring some coins! There will also be displays about the process the children went through to design and make the products.
Wishing all our families a lovely weekend.
Kind regards