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Our School

We are an inclusive, vibrant community committed to enabling our pupils to be successful citizens with a great love for learning.

Our school environment is safe, exciting and welcoming to our children and their families. The curriculum at Kilmorie Primary School is broad, rich, immersive and purposeful. We encourage our children to be independent, innovative and curious learners. As well as academic success, we strive to develop the children’s emotional intelligence and their empathy for others.

We have a clear vision for our children to be successful, outward-facing citizens through enabling them to reach their academic potential; enabling them to be effective communicators and critical thinkers; developing their social conscience through an awareness of local and global issues and supporting both their mental and physical wellbeing.

We are a large school with 3 forms of entry in Forest Hill. We have a nursery that welcomes children as young as aged 3; our before and after school provision is over-subscribed and we offer a huge range of after school enrichment activities. Kilmorie has a great reputation for art, music and sport alongside achieving academic excellence. Our PTA community events are not to be missed. The Kilmorie community takes pride in prioritising children’s rights, which helps to promote equality, tolerance and respect for all.