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Inclusion Statement

To treat everyone the same, we must treat them differently.

Helen Keller

Kilmorie Primary School is a vibrant, inclusive and welcoming place for everyone; we believe it always will be. At the heart of our school are our Kilmorie Child Qualities including respect and empathy. In school, we expect all members of the school community (pupils, staff, parents and visitors) to be: 

  • Safe
  • Respectful 
  • Ready to Learn 

We are always here for everyone, regardless of race, sexuality, gender, religion or anything else that makes us who we are. At Kilmorie Primary School we believe that inclusion is at the heart of our school community. We are committed to ensuring that every child is a valued and valuable member of our school community, whatever their ability, needs or background. We recognise, value and celebrate the rich cultural diversity that exists in our school.

We believe that effective learning takes place when children work in a purposeful and stimulating environment that supports a wide range of learning styles. Mutual respect between adults and children promotes excellent behaviour and well-developed social skills. With this approach we seek to achieve both high academic and social standards.

We have high expectations of all children. As a school, we are also firmly committed to identifying and removing barriers to learning, thus narrowing the attainment gap between vulnerable learners and their peers. We aim to cater for each individual, taking particular account of any specific needs or abilities. We endeavour to ensure that all our children fulfil their potential and within this context, we emphasise health and safety, enjoyment and achievement and the beginnings of responsibility for themselves and others. These skills will be carried forward to the next phase of education and throughout life.

The whole school community is committed to the collective responsibility for the implementation of the values inherent in this statement.


At Kilmorie Primary School, we aim to:

  • Strive to minimise the barriers which might exclude children from equal access to, participation in and outcomes of schooling based on language, gender, culture, physical, intellectual or emotional state and socioeconomic status
  • Provide an inclusive environment, where children are enabled to access a full curriculum
  • Meet individual needs through a wide range of opportunities for learning
  • Track provision for all learners to ensure that barriers to learning are minimised and all pupils make at least expected progress
  • Narrow the gap in attainment between vulnerable groups of learners and their peers by supporting pupils from vulnerable groups to make accelerated progress
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers acknowledging that together we are partners in supporting children’s education
  • Work in partnership with the Local Authority and other outside agencies, to ensure there is a multi-agency approach to meeting the needs of vulnerable learners
  • to promote racial, cultural harmony and ensure that pupils can successfully integrate in a diverse society