Anti-bullying Week at Kilmorie

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The week started with an assembly to kick off Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make A Noise About Bullying and to celebrate Odd Socks Day. The day is an opportunity to remind everyone of the serious message behind the fun – to be kind to each other and respect and celebrate each other's individuality. See photos here.
Kate M led the anti-bullying assemblies for Lower and Upper Phase and focussed on the definition of bullying by looking at different scenarios; discussing the difference between bullying and banter, and how banter can sometimes turn into something more hurtful. The assembly highlighted the importance of not being silent if we see bullying taking place and explored ways we can stop it or deal with it when it happens. At Kilmorie, we encourage children to be brave and speak up if they encounter bullying.
The important discussions about anti-bullying continued back in the classrooms during PSHE lessons.
PSHE lessons focused on online bullying for the older years and how we can show kindness at school for the younger years. Each class has signed an oath to promise that they will not bully others, they will not stand by whilst others are bullied and they will report bullying whenever they see it. The children have been busy writing anti-bullying raps, songs and poems to raise the awareness of bullying. Please see some videos below of this week's activities and to hear some classes make a noise about bullying.
The Anti-bullying Alliance have produced this pack for parents and carers if you need help starting the conversation about bullying at home. It outlines the positive steps you can take to help keep your child safe from bullying and harm.