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At Kilmorie, we believe by teaching our children to become effective speakers, listeners, readers and writers we empower them to better understand themselves, each other, and the world around them.  

We attach great importance to enabling our children to become independent and fluent readers to ensure a life-long love of reading. The love and journey of reading begins in Early Years where we ensure that all children have access to rich, engaging and diverse literature. To broaden our children’s knowledge of texts and authors, we read to them daily. In our English lessons we engage in rich discussions about high-quality texts to deepen children’s comprehension and to develop them culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Poetry is hugely valued at Kilmorie and children are exposed to an exciting range of quality poetry within lessons, in assemblies and at daily reading times.  

Throughout the school, on each floor, we have special reading nooks and corridor libraries for children to enjoy during break and lunchtimes. Children is brought into the wide range of subjects we teach at Kilmorie to support their development of subject knowledge, vocabulary and comprehension.

The children are encouraged to read for pleasure, be it from fiction or non-fiction, as well as for information. Time is allocated every day for them to get lost in a book and really develop their love for the written word. Children read regularly with the class teacher or a teaching assistant. At least thrice weekly each class from Lower Phase upwards enjoys a whole class reading session. This is where the whole class will read and investigate the same quality text in-depth. They will learn how authors create suspense and excitement, hook the reader in and describe characters. They will re-enact scenes, become the characters, rehearse and perform phrases. Throughout all of their reading they will learn the skills to clarify, predict, retrieve information, infer and summarise.  

At Kilmorie we have a reading buddies programme, which pairs an older child with a younger child for them to share reading together.