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Our computing curriculum aims to ensure our pupils can be successful citizens of our rapidly changing technological and digital world.  

There’s so much more to computing than computers!  

From instructions on how to wash our hands properly or a recipe for soup, to designing a fair scientific test or a system to solve basic algebra – algorithms are everywhere at Kilmorie! 

As a Kilmorie child we are taught to be computational thinkers which means we can apply this skill across the curriculum. Whether tinkering with paint or using scientific logic. From looking for patterns when counting to decomposing more challenging mathematical problems. From abstracting information to help us with our reading comprehension skills to debugging the code in our Scratch program. From Reception to Year 6 we are encouraged to be computational thinkers and to always evaluate our work. 

There are three main strands to the computing curriculum:  

  • Computer Science 
  • Information Technology 
  • Digital Literacy 

The Computer Science strand encompasses elements of problem solving, programming and logical thinking. The curriculum begins with children understanding what an algorithm is and by Year 6 they are designing, writing and debugging their own programmes. The children learn how to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller parts; understand how to sequence and repeat patterns as well as how to deal with and include variables. 

During the Information Technology strand, children learn to use different technological devices, they collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information and explore the process of search engines. 

In the Digital Literacy strand children learn all about how to use technology safely and be safe online. 

Computer skills are often used in data handling in maths, for publishing texts and for research across the curriculum areas.